
Jackie Vimo is a scholar and policy analyst based in Brooklyn.  Jackie is currently a Senior Policy Analyst at the National Immigration Law Center (NILC), a national organization that engages in policy analysis, litigation, education, and advocacy to defend and advance the rights and opportunities of low-income immigrants and their families. Jackie has been working for almost two decades on a broad range of public policy issues in California, New York, and Argentina, where her family is from and still lives. Prior to working at NILC, Jackie was the Director of Advocacy at the New York Immigration Coalition, a statewide umbrella organization for organizations working with immigrants in New York State. Jackie has taught at the undergraduate and graduate levels at the City College of New York, New School University, Hunter College, and the University of Kentucky..  Jackie has a Ph.D. in Politics at the New School for Social Research, an M.A. in Political Science from the University of Kentucky,  and a B.A. in Political Science from Barnard College, Columbia University.

You can contact me at:  jvimowebsite (at) gmail (dot) com